“Kirby's raw and honest approach to sharing her story and helping others heal is a gift to any woman struggling with copper toxicity.”

Rick Fischer, Founder of CopperToxic.com

While Kirby continues to provide services through her Amour Soul Cafe in Portugal, I am thrilled to be able to continue carrying her 'copper torch' by adding the program she created into our existing menu of support options for women dealing with copper toxicity.  ~Rick Fischer  

Kirby's Passion to Help Others

After living 32 years suffering from a copper imbalance I set out on a healing journey that led me to reconnecting with myself, and becoming a Certified Soul Coach Practitioner with a goal to help others facing the same challenges physically, emotionally and spiritually as I had. One thing I learned along the way is, WITHOUT EACH OTHER, WE ARE NOTHING.  

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